Saturday 23 April 2011

Jezza Kay.

My younger brother REALLY enjoys the Jeremy Kyle show.

I tried explaining to him that the show was dependent on exploitation for it's success.

I also tried to explain that he was partly responsible for this success by continuing to tune in to it.
I tried to explain that the 'guests' on the show were often struggling with addiction (alcohol, drugs, food etc).
I tried to explain that the 'guests' on the show were often victims of domestic violence.
I tried to explain that the 'guests' on the show were often recovering from or still encountering abuse (sexual, physical, psychological).
I tried to explain that the 'guests' on the show were often living with a disfigurement.
I tried to explain that the 'guests' on the show were often desperately trying to find out who the father of their child/children is.

I tried to explain that these factors more than likely, caused increasing difficulties in the 'guests' day to day lives.
I then tried to explain that it was perverse and maybe slightly sadistic to derive pleasure at the 'guests' expense.

I tried to explain that the likelihood of any of the problems illustrated on the show being resolved as a result of starring on the show were very slim.

Then I really tried to explain that Jeremy Kyle was a complete waste of skin and organs and that anyone who enjoys watching his poor excuse of a show is an idiot!!!

I tried.

In vain.

"So?......................It's funny." was all he said as he continued to eat his sugar puffs.

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